Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/swiat/zatrzymano-protestujacych-przeciw-zakazowi-noszeni, 1.4238836, wiadomosc.html

{simply, logically and concretely}

since yesterday ignited a discussion on covering the face of women

I do not know to what extent in Poland

osluchalam personally with that topic in English bbc

if I am able to understand Sarkozy, citizens of countries niewierzacych i ludzi, ktorzy nie maja bladego pojecia o islamie (ludzi, ktorzy mysla, ze cos wiedza, ale w rzeczywistosci sa nakarmieni propagandowa papka medialna - sama jeszcze 3 lata temu nasmiewalam sie z kobiet zaslaniajach twarz, uwazajac je za dziwologi etc i zywiac w stosunku do tych kobiet uczucia zawistne)

o tyle zalamuje rece, gdy slysze w  mediach kobiety muzulmanki tzw wyzwolone feministki , ktore z nienawiscia wypowiadaja sie na temat zakrywania nie tylko twarzy, ale i wlosow i ciala (a tylko wczoraj, w samym bbc przyuwazylam opinie takowych pan - jedna z nich wrecz nie potrafila opanowac emocji i podnosila glos na dziennikarza, ktory bronil praw muzulmanek; This evoked laughter in the studio the other journalists)

the whole, these discussions about the actual read a proposed women's rights in Islam, the link in my earlier post http://polskamuzulmanka.blogspot.com/2010/04/prawa-kobiety-w -islamie.html
remember that when 1500 years ago in Islam and the Arab woman had the freedom and rights, it was thought in medieval Europe that it has no soul, even for all the info
niewierzach in one God Allah: As a Muslim from own free will for 2 years, the person wyksztacona (finished the philosopher), I consider the women's rights in Islam are not being violated, never were and never will was emphasized in Islam (I do not have in mind there are any cultural background, because I have changed my faith, religion, no culture)

pay special attention to religion and culture odddzielenie (do not move in discussions of such topics: the family because of this and that, because the Pakistanis are because a woman was used, because the women are beaten, etc..)
I realize that there are Muslim families, for whom culture of the country, the opinion of family and friends are more important than religion, and Islam itself, but such multi
religion Culture confusing

while all inspired reformed-Muslim feminists recommend a conversation with a white franzuzka, Englishwoman, polka, a German woman, who had converted to Islam, there is no nawet meza muzlmanina, nie ma znajomych muzulmanow,
niech to da do myslenia dlaczego taka kobieta, czesto bardzo dobrze wyksztalcona, z dobra praca, zaslania twarz, czy wlosy


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