in a long time - long ago there lived a one English lord named Yola.
It was the best and the bravest of warriors, and not shied away from volshby ... He developed a fairy mistress. No one could pronounce her name aloud, but everyone knew that she was so beautiful as it can be a beautiful woman. Yola also ignored her, and mostly fond of the pyramid, rather than love. Fey also genuinely loved him. Once in the heat of passion Yola promised her that will never change, she caught him at his word, and said that if he was cheating kara would be very cruel, but he missed her words go unheeded.
After a while he was offered a lucrative union, lord of neighboring lands, his daughter was a rare beauty, gentle disposition, a noble family and also an only child ... that is after the death of her parents' possessions Yola doubled. He had not even thought of his mistress, and immediately agreed to have played a magnificent wedding, and he took his young wife, Lady Tyulern, to his castle, he was fascinated by it and not even thought about the last beloved.
days passed and the young are increasingly tied to each other, and, behold, one day at the feast of the young lord has announced that soon the light will be his heir or heiress. The same night rejected fairy Disguised as a messenger from his father Lady Tyulern, and drove up to the castle gate, astonished Yolanu she said that Lord is very ill and requests as soon as possible to attend, Yola mounted his horse, waved to his wife and flew over the castle gate, the messenger said that he also has a message and for ladies from their relatives, and asked him to accompany him into her apartment. Lady greeted him with all courtesy, but when the messenger looked at her face dropped eyes, and therefore not seen as a cloak was thrown open, seemed a magic wand, and her lips hurriedly whispered incantations. .. At the same moment the room around it dizzy, the walls began to melt away, the wind whistled in my ears, when the darkness receded, she noticed that he was looking for boots messenger, she screamed but escaped from her throat only sounds similar to rattle scared the dog, she rushed away and heard claws scraping on the rocks the floor. These were her own claws. She lost the female face, and turned into a fluffy dog \u200b\u200bwith a white fringe.
Merciless fairy said, "live a little like my dog \u200b\u200blady" ... and then her eyes fell on the round sides of the dog, she saw what she hid from her clothes. No matter how she was offended, she expressed remorse for his actions, but alas, could not return it back ... "I'll leave you your memory and consciousness, and will fall when the spell you will remember that you're a man, alas, that's all I can do now, I hope you will forgive me, "said the fairy silk ribbon, and slipped us a fluffy dog's neck, they came forth from the castle and drove out the gate when they drove past the road on which the old shepherd was driving a flock of sheep fairy offered to take him intelligent dog for assistance, first shepherd refused, he did not want to take a pregnant dog because she did not expect help, but Fairy proposed test, the shepherd agreed, and that's just obeying him dog surpassed several times on the field back and forth a number of sheep which shepherd named. He agreed, the fairy warned him that after some time comes to take her back ...
days went by dog's life lady, at which time her husband found out that was cruelly deceived. Young lord tried all ways to find a wife but nothing could he despaired remembered former lovers, and said it name. She appeared before him as if nothing had happened, and reminded him of persuasion as well as the proposed deal, she would tell where his wife and her charms, and instead Yola goes with her forever in the realm of fairies ... Yola agreed fairy indicated where to find the shepherd and told a spell that can release the lady.
Yola found on the hillside of the old shepherd and a flock of sheep, guarded by her beautiful belogolubaya dog and her two puppies. The dog seemed to recognize the lord and rushed him to catch up and from her eyes rolled human tears, said Yola spell dog's ear, and lo and behold, in front of him was his blonde lady is as beautiful as was ... and then his eye fell on two pups who remained in their seats ... .. the horror paralyzed him from behind Lord came a fairy, and said that she did not know about pregnancy Tyulern and therefore unable to return the boys to their face and they will forever remain in the guise of what was born ... and recalled that Yola promised to go with it, He said goodbye to his wife, with tears in her eyes and melted into the mist forever ...
Lady returned to the castle to her father her gentle and friendly disposition does not changed, and her sons continued to live on the pastures of England ... gradually over several years they have appeared as early as their children and children's children, but in each of their descendants was read in the eyes of the human mind ...
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