Monday, July 26, 2010

What Color Shoes With Gray Tuxedo

the message

with anthony quinn
the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
movie in history
Story of Islam, even though there is much left to be desired, in that it does not cover many important events in the Islamic history. But it's understandable that a movie lasting 3 hours can hardly cover events that spanned 23 years through the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

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i like so much simple, softly movies
typical for women (but not only;))

comments from you tube
  • A wonderful film. It isn't often that films show proud women, who love their faith.
  • A beautiful movie about friendship & tolerance. I liked it :) Teaches you a lot about two diff. religions and has good arguments too, etc...worth watching
  • great movie i love it and i will keep watching it again and again.
    simple life. i wish if we can understand it !!!
  • It's an absolutely amazing movie with a great msg! The trailer doesn't do it justice!
  • I loved this movie!! It reminds me of my friendship with one of my best friends. She's Jewish and I'm Muslim--both of us are dedicated to our religion AND our friendship.
  • It is trully a greate film, I loved it a lot. As an Eastern Orthodox Christian in Latvia it is also some times very hard for me to live by my faith when most of the people arround just don't get it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I really enjoyed this movie. It is so true what Rochel said in the hallway to the principle of the school when she finally spoke up to her. People always look at me crazy and despise the way I live and dress just because I dress modestly and practice my faith; as if it would be better for me to live the way most of the western world and specifically the U.S. lives. Drinking, partying, and doing all sorts of things.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Piriformis Syndrome Fraud

Poruszony przez nas temat dotyczy największej prawdy, z którą spotkacie się w życiu. Wiedza, że cały Wszechświat to tylko cień i iluzja , stanowi jednocześnie klucz do zrozumienia prawdy o istnieniu Boga, który jest absolutny, wieczny, wszechmocny i który stworzył świat.
Ci, którzy to pojęli, wiedzą, iż świat nie jest tym, co widzą i czują dzięki narządom zmysłów. Nie jest absolutny i wieczny, jak zakładają ludzie biegający bez celu po ulicach, siedzący w luksusowych restauracjach czy chwalący się swoim bogactwem w innych miejscach. W rzeczywistości świat to tylko iluzja, zbiór wrażeń zmysłowych. A ludzie, o których wspomnieliśmy, są postaciami cienia, nieświadomymi i nawet nie domyślającymi się prawdy.
Poruszona przez nas sprawa ma ogromne znaczenie; uderza w same podstawy filozofii materialistycznej. Z tego właśnie powodu Marks, Engels, Lenin i inni materialiści bali się tego tematu panicznie oraz bronili się przed nim w sposób agresywny. Zakazywali ludziom czytania na ten temat, bojąc się, że dojdą oni do prawdy i uwierzą w nią. W rzeczywistości materialiści są tak bardzo zacofani, że nawet nie potrafią sobie wyobrazić, co to znaczy, że świat jest tylko sumą wrażeń. Obrazy powstające w ich mózgu uważają za „świat outer "and do not understand the most obvious facts.
Lack of understanding of non-negotiable truths comes from ignorance, about which Allah says that is a feature of the unbelievers:

created for Hell many
jinn and men:
they have hearts with which they can not understand;
they have eyes that are not see;
they have ears, which can not hear!
They are like cattle,
and even more stray!
These are totally careless! * (Surah 7, Al Araf, verse 179)

Those who wish, you can continue to delve into this topic. It is enough to gather attention and focus on things that are in the environment. As we see it, feel like they are touching? If you concentrated hard enough, you will notice that this intelligent being who sees, hears, feels and reads this book - is the soul, watching the TV screen as the experiences considered by some to be the matter. The man who is able to comprehend this truth, arrived at the truth of existence.
truth, about which we wrote in this chapter to develop, has been considered by some philosophers and wise men living in different periods of history. Islamic sages: Imam Rabbani, Muhiuddin Ibn Arabi, Rumi Mevlana Dżelaleddin - found this path through the characters of the Koran, and his reason. Also, some western philosophers, such as George Berkeley , understand that truth. Chopping
Imam in his letters that says that the only absolute being is Allah, and the material world is only "a dream and feel":
"substance being created by Allah, is nothingness ... He has created everything on the plane experience sensory and ideas ... The existence of the world is also in this concept and is not material. The only thing that really exists (outside the plane), is the essence of God - Allah. "209
Imam Rabbani gave a very detailed way, that all the images seen by a human is nothing but an illusion, so do not have equivalents in reality .
"Relative order of images is stored in the imagination. Thanks to his notation will be - through the eye of the soul - to be taken for reality. The outside world seems to be It look to be taken of the psyche, but not quite. Images do not in fact have no equivalent, even his trail, there is not a phenomenon that could be seen, it is not even a mirror image of the face. In addition, it does not mirror counterpart. Without a doubt, and a mirror and reflecting on its face, are only ideas. The wisdom of Allah is greater. "210
The same says Mevlana Rumi Dżelaleddin ; according to him," everything that exists in the universe, is just a dream, and impressed, such as a mirror reflection or a shadow. "
Prawdę tę zrozumiało jednak bardzo niewielu ludzi. Mędrcy islamscy, w szczególności Imam Rabani, radzili, aby o sprawie owej nie mówić publicznie, ponieważ większość i tak nic nie zrozumiałaby. Dziś prawda ta została jednak potwierdzona dowodami z wielu dziedzin nauki. Po raz pierwszy w historii ludzkości fakt, iż świat zewnętrzny jest jedynie iluzją i cieniem, został tak solidnie przebadany oraz udokumentowany.
Z tego właśnie powodu wiek XXI to stulecie wielkich zmian, w którym masy ludzi nawrócą się i uwierzą w Allaha – właśnie dzięki temu, że poznają powyższą prawdę. W XXI wieku materialistyczna filozofia XIX stulecia zostanie wyrzucona na śmietnik historii, a ludzie zaakceptują istnienie Allaha i akt stworzenia, a także to, że nie istnieje czas ani przestrzeń. Człowiek wyzwoli się z kłamstwa, które towarzyszyło mu przez całe wieki historii.
Żadna istota cienia nie będzie w stanie go od owej prawdy odwrócić.
Względność w Koranie
Oto wniosek z naszych rozważań: czas nie stanowi bytu absolutnego, jak to zakładają materialiści, jest jedynie kolejnym relatywnym wrażeniem. Interesujące, że prawda ta, udowodniona dopiero w XX wieku, pojawiła się całe stulecia temu w Koran. The Qur'an in many verses shows how time is relative.
find in him a lot about what the scientists arrived only in the twentieth century: that time is a psychological impression, depending on the events, situations and conditions. According to the Qur'an all human life is only a moment:

In this day when He will call us, and you answer
by his praise,
will think myself that
tarried but a little while .* (Sura17, Al-Isra, verse 52)

On the day when He will gather them together, they will
that it lived longer,
as only one hour of the day, and learn
each other.
And lose those who belied

encounter with God and not be led aright. (Surah 10, Yunus, verse 45)

In other verses, we find mention of the fact that something that for some people is only a moment, for others it seems to last forever.

They ask thee hasten on the Punishment
God never changes His Promise!
And, truly, one day with your Lord is

as a thousand years according to your counting! * (Surah 22, Al-Hadsz, verse 47)

angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day
whose size
fifty thousand years .* (Surah 70, Al-Maaridsch, verse 4)

These verses show how a relative concept is time. The fact that this discovered by science of the twentieth century came true 14 centuries ago in the Qur'an, is further proof that he was sent down by Allah, which surrounds the space and time.
verses of the Qur'an, especially the story, show that the time is only an impression. An example would be as follows History:

So in this grotto opieczętowaliśmy
their ears - for many years.

Then We raised them
to learn
which of the two groups to better calculate, *
how long they were there.

And so revived them
to each other inquired.
One of them said:
"How long you lived there?"
They said
"Your Lord knows best how long you lived
Send out so one of you to the city
with your money, to be looked
who has the finest food,
and brought supplies to you from him;
but let it work
cautiously and let anyone of you not informed. (Surah 18, Al-Kafh, verses 11, 12, 19)

That time is impressed, he says the following verse:

Or such as the one passed in spite of the city *
Lying in ruins until the foundation;
he said
"How to revive them God
after it died?"
God killed him for a hundred years, then it raised
"How are you you crossed?"
He said:
"I stayed there a day or part of the day."
He said:
"No, you're there, you crossed the hundred years!
I look at your food and drink,
they are not spoiled.
I look at your ass!
- We make you a sign for people -
look at the bones, we compare them as we are, and then
put upon them in the flesh! "
And when it became clear
he said
" I know that God is on all things "(Surah 2, Al-Baqara, verse 259)

above verse is proof that Allah has created the time, but he does not give up its passage. A man must be obedient to the cross-country time appointed by Allah for him. As you can see from the example given earlier, he does not know even how long he slept. In this case, to talk about that time is absolute (as materialists do), it is absurd. ***

Win believers

While the thought of that matter and time are only impressions, puts materialists in fear, for believers it is the cause of great joy. They are happy when they discover the truth about illusoriness matter, because it is an answer to many of their questions about God. It is key that can open all the mysteries of faith. Those aspects that were difficult for them to understand, they become the child's play. Issues
paradise, hell, Judgement, the question of where is Allah, which was before Him who created him, how much time you spend in the grave, where is paradise and hell now, and where will the Day of Judgement - not longer make such a big hassle. Finally, you can understand how Allah created the Universe. Questions like "where?" and "when?" cease to have any meaning, because time and space do not exist. When you fully grasp the fact that there is no space, we understand that, hell, paradise, and what surrounds us today, is really one and the same place. When it reaches us that there is no time to explain that everything is happening at the same time, there is no waiting for something, time goes by, because everything is in fact already occurred.
for the believer, who fully understood these truths, the world becomes a paradise. Believers fear of getting rid of material possessions, he knows that there is only one Lord of the cosmos, which changes the mental world of its own volition - and that man is the sole responsibility of that will be.
notion that mystery is the biggest win in life.
Along with an understanding of this mystery opens up before us yet another truth of the Qur'an, namely, that we already mentioned the fact that Allah is closer to man than his own arteries (Sura 50, QAF, werset16).
Everyone knows that the arteries are in the human body. The one who understood that we put forward the truth, he realizes that there is no space and therefore can easily be zrozumieć tę kolejną tajemnicę.
To pewnik – człowiek nie ma innego przyjaciela i pomocnika niż Allah. Oprócz Allaha nie istnieje nic. Jedynie do Niego można się zwracać o pomoc i wsparcie, bo On jest Bytem Absolutnym. Gdziekolwiek się obrócimy, On jest właśnie tam.

fragmenty ostatnich rodzialow ksiazki: Harun Yahya, Falszerstwa ewolucji, Naukowy Upadek Ewolucji i jej tlo ideologiczne
cala ksiazka jest dostepna za darmo w jez polskim tutaj:  FALSZERSTWA_EWOLUCJI_ALL_BOOK
zachecam do lektury innych publikacji autora, ktoremu poswiecilam poprzedni post:  ABOUT_ILLUSION & IDEALISM_MORE

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cd world of illusion illusion about idealism, & more ...

interesting websites from Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) The Secret Beyond Matter

Bibliography of author (founded in the Wikipedia)

Oktar's books and brochures appear in Turkish with "Vural Publishing" ("Global Publishing"), Istanbul. İngilizce translations of Oktar's books "appear with" Ta-Ha Publishers ", London, UK:" Global Publishing, Istanbul, Turkey, "Al-Attique Publishers", Ontario, Canada and "Goodword Books", New Delhi, India. The total number of books and brochures published by Oktar number in the hundreds.[75]
1986, Yahudilik ve Masonluk (Judaism and Freemasonry)
1996, A Chain of Miracles
1996, The Miracle in the Atom
1999, The Evolution Deceit
2000, Allah is Known Through Reason
2000, Miracle in the Ant
2000, Allah is Known Through Reason
2000, Allah's Artistry in Colour
2000, The Creation Of The Universe
2001, The Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity
2002, Global Freemasonry
2002, The Glory in the Heavens
2002, The Design in Nature
2002, The Alliance of the Good '
2002, The World of Animals (Children, Have You Ever Thought?)
2002, Before You Regret
2002, Fascism The Bloody Ideology of Darwinism
2002, Islam Denounces Terrorism
2002, Romanticism: A Weapon of Satan
2003, Wonderful Creatures: Children! Have You Ever Thought? 3
2003, 24 Hours in the Life of a Muslim
2003, The Courage Of The Faithful
2003, A Definitive Reply to Evolutionist Propaganda
2003, The Errors the American National Academy of Sciences
2003, Why Darwinism Is Incompatible with the Quran
2004, Signs of the Last Day
2004, The Muslim Way of Speaking
2004, Passivity in Religion
2004, The Signs of Jesus' Second Coming
2004, Answers from the Quran: For Newcomers to Islam
2004, Communist China's Policy of Oppression in East Turkestan '
2006, Atlas Of Creation (Volume 1)
2007, Biomimetics: Technology Imitates Nature
2007, Miracle in the Eye
2007, Allahs Miracles in the Quran
2007, Atlas of Creation Volume 2
2007, Atlas of Creation Volume 3
2007, Consciousness in the Cell
2007, Global Impact of the Works of Harun Yahya
2009, Miracles of The Qur'an

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sample Of Church Donation Request Letters

answers to questions in Polish

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po polsku
brakowalo mi czegos takiego w ojczystym jezyku