Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vertigo Botox 2011 2010

everything is illusion

if this world is illusion
matter don't exist
what is proven already
why we want to catch this so much????
are we so stupid
that we deceive ourself?

this knowledge can help to:
 * stop to follow materialistic things and think little about this what is actually the true
 * start think about ourself and this what is really important for us (couse how can be important life for illusion?)


They know the outward of this world's life, but of the hereafter they are absolutely heedless . (Koran)

skoro funkcjonujemy w swiecie iluzji, cieni
skoro swiat materii nie istnieje
to warto zastanowic sie: dlaczego tak bardzo staramy sie to zdobyc (rzeczy materialne)
przeciez one nie istnieja, sa tylko impulsami elektrtycznymi
zdaje sie, ze sami siebie oszukujemy - logicznie rzecz ujmujac
zachecam do obejrzenia filmu (3 czesci)

Znają oni tylko zewnętrzny aspekt

               życia tego świata,

               a są niedbali o życie ostateczne. (Sura 30, Ar-Rum, werset 7)

  hollywod movies about illusion word :

  • Mulholland Drive  
  • Dark City 
  • Matrix
  • eXistenZ 
  • Thirteenth Floor

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Flasing While Driving

last public appearance of the Prophet (PBUH)


The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Last Sermon

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Black Shoes With Dark Blue Shirt


recommend a free television
Islamic peace tv
interesting interviews, lessons, etc.
interesting website

What Do You Call The Uniform For Wrestling?


you have any questions regarding the
more or less typical?
take a look at:
Mail Box By Yusuf Estes

very likely that you will find here
short, specific and rzetalna answer
on You Tube krazy a lot of clips from this program

Hairy South American Women

the best lesson of Islam ...

... what I heard in my humble opinion

simple, logical, real, Interestingly
feel free to look

Yusuf Estes unbelievers do not blame here for the distorted image of our religion
trace the fault of the Muslims, who can not respect his religion and his actions
ksztaltuja negative image of Islam

recalls that Muslim people should know - not after his wyglodzie, but good character
as Muslims we should build bridges, provide assistance, support and set a good example
opposes attacks directed at other people
opposes what I hate
enchanted gave it to think, his opposition to hate
przypomnina wiec, ze islam nie jest religia nienawisci, a religia prawdy
przypomina, jaka postawe powinnismy przyjac

warto wiec spojrzec w lustro
i zastanowic sie, jak inni nas postrzegaja
i czy tez chcieliby byc takimi ludzmi jak my
jesli nie...
no coz
warto spojrzec na siebie krytycznie i starac sie samodoskonalic

Monday, June 7, 2010

4 Season Tents Craiglist


bardzo ciekawa inicjatywa w londynie
pokazujaca pozytywne aspekty islamu
muzulmanie walcza ze steoretypami
pamietam jakis czas temu pisali o tego samego typu akcji marketingowej, lecz popierajacej ateizm
ateistyczne autobusy
first time I read something on onecie positive about Islam, unfortunately
comments full of envy, ignorance and lack of basic laws of logic
'zwalaja the legs' coz
still have hope, and the anonymous commentators once he comes closer to the truth, I recommend no less